Friday, January 17, 2014

Sweets: House Sigil Cake

Source: Get Thee to a Nerdery

This cake was made by GetTheeToANerdery's coworker’s daughter.  It's a very straightforward design, but it would be fun to fight over who gets a slice of which house.
"Mom and I are still working on polishing off the cake.

House Stark had been the first to fall.  Next came the Tyrells, Targaryens, and the Tullys.  House Arryn fell sometime two nights ago.

Lannister and Baratheon still stubbornly cling to power, but come tomorrow or the day after, they will be torn apart and eaten too.

Baelish will outlast them all, and I will savor every bite.

Pray to the Seven if you wish, it will still be for naught.  For I am the Stranger.

Of cake."

1 comment:

  1. how did she do the houses? i want to do something similar for my boyfriend


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